The WUNU team has run the Workshop with Prof. Carsten Wolff on April 25, 2024 under the Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building Project (CBHE) 619034-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBHE -JP WORK4CE – Cross-domain competencies for healthy and safe work in the 21st century. A goal of Workshop was to discuss s state of the Work 4.0 module developed by the WUNU project team and perspectives of applying with a new Erasmus+ proposal.

In the beginning Prof. Anatoliy Sachenko, the WUNU project coordinator clarified a purpose of the Work 4.0 module as developing a holistic approach to the description and study of the productive system and processes of Industry 4.0 – Work 4.0. The focus of the module’s development is a concentration of attention on the fact that all Industry 4.0 systems involve people throughout the life cycle of the design, installation, maintenance, operation and dismantling (at the end of the life cycle) of these systems. Hence, emphasizing attention to the requirements and requests of people who will perform these tasks is the core priority of designing and developing the Work 4.0 module. Then Prof. Sachenko, characterized the current state and progress of WUNU team project activities.

Dr Mykhailo Dombrovski, PhD, project product owner and guarantor of Project Management Program, paid attention to the conceptual foundations of developing the educational components for improving the Work 4.0 module structure based on the results of pilot study. Dr Iryna Turchenko, PhD, a Vice-Dean of CIT faculty, emphasized the importance of project results implementation in educational cooperation as well as international academic mobility programs.

Prof. Wolff gave his vision of entirely WORK4CE project progress. He highlighted the importance of applying modern project management approaches, adapting the experience gained, in particular international communities of practice, which is the leading mechanism of project development. Summarizing the meeting. Moreover, he emphasized the significance of developing and implementing innovations that embody the interaction of technical and social aspects of human-centric digitization in Industry 4.0 projects.

Finally, Workshop participants discussed some possibilities of new Erasmus+ applications under IDiAL Institute leadership.  Prof. Wolff mentioned about planning to run the monthly meetings on new proposal ideas and promised to give some details in a near future.