A2C Workshop

International Workshop Advances & Challenges in Computing (A2C)

The international workshop “Advances & Challenges in Computing” has been running since 2007. It covers a scope of the international standard Computing Curricula (Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Technologies, Information Systems, Cyber Security and Data Science) and is related to topics of the International IEEE IDAACS Conference, IEEE IDAACS-SWS as well as the International Journal of Computing.

Working languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian

Workshop Co-Chairs:

–    Aleksander Palagin, academician, doctor of technical sciences, professor, Vice-Director of the V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, NAS of Ukraine, palagin_a@ukr.net
–    Anatoliy Sachenko, honorable inventor of Ukraine, ІЕЕЕ Senior Member, doctor of technical sciences, professor, scientific advisor of Research Institute for Intelligent Computer Systems, as@wunu.edu.ua

Workshop scientific secretary:

–    Vasyl Koval, PhD, associated professor, co-chair of Intelligent Robotic Systems Group, Research Institute of Intelligent Computer Systems, vko@wunu.edu.ua

Workshop technical secretary:

– Taras Lendyuk, PhD, senior lecturer, tl@wunu.edu.ua

Google Meet administrators

– Ivan Kit, kitivan400@gmail.com