Current A2C meetings

International Workshop

Advances & Challenges in Computing (A2C)

A Regular meeting 

Date: 18 December 2024 (Wednesday)

Time of event: 18:00-19:00 (East European time, Kyiv)

Place: online




1. Speaker Kolisnyk Maryna

(Assoc. Prof., Dr. (Docent / Dr. Habil.)

Associate Professor of Department of computer systems, networks and


National Aerospace University “KhAI”)

Topic: Methods and models for ensuring the dependability (reliability and
cybersecurity) of Industrial Internet of Things systems

Presentation in Ukrainian

Abstract: Creation of dependable (cybersecure and reliable) Industrial Internet of
Things (IIoT) systems is a very important problem. To resolve it necessary to make
the system analysis of the system architecture, to find the most vulnerable

subsystems from two points of view: cybersecurity vulnerabilities and vulnerabilities
in reliability, which can lead to the successful cyber-attacks (DoS, DDoS) and to
failure of the IIoT system and its subsystems.

The dissertation work is dedicated to: solving an important scientific and applied
problem of developing the dependable (reliable and cybersecure) IIoT systems, the
methodology of evaluating and ensuring the dependability of IIoT systems and their
subsystems. We will consider various data transmission technologies, the
occurrence of hardware (HW) and software (SW) failures and faults, cyber-attacks
on the vulnerabilities of HW and SW, various energy modes of IIoT subsystems,
patching of vulnerabilities of IIoT subsystems.
The proposed methodology will be based on the development of three paradigms:
theory of J. Von Neumann (Probabilistic logics and the synthesis of reliable
organisms from unreliable components) [1], and theory of Avizienis-Laprie-Randell
(Cyber-attacks can lead to the loss of performance and malfunction of the technical
systems, i.e. affect its reliability indicators) [2], theory of Kharchenko Vyacheslav
(Dependability is the complex property of a system to perform appropriate
functions and provide services that can be reasonably trusted, and combines
reliability, functional safety and cybersecurity, which is very important in the
regulation of requirements, evaluation, creation and use of IIoT systems) [3].
The emergence of new systems, such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT),
which includes a large number of unreliable subsystems, created from unreliable
elements, different types of data transmission technologies, both wired and
wireless, and fiber-optic data transmission, requires new scientific approaches for
evaluation and assurance reliability of IIoT subsystems and the IIoT system as a
IIoT is a network of automated and user devices, which are complex HW and SW
subsystems, in an enterprise that allows personnel to solve their business tasks
using the latest technological capabilities in real time, continuously 24/7. These
subsystems can have defects that can lead to both HW and SW failures. Network
nodes are able to receive and transmit information; can interact with other objects
or be independent; may have different levels of access to their settings depending
on the level of security, etc. IIoT devices operate continuously and can be used by
attackers at any time to carry out malicious activities.

Research methods. The project research is based on the following:

– new algorithms, new models and existing algorithms and methods of ML, DL
for developing the new attack and failure trees, with using mathematical
apparatus of Markov and semi-Markov processes, decision-making methods;
– methods of system analysis, theory of reliability and cybersecurity and theory
of complex systems (for analysis, categorisation and systematisation of
vulnerabilities, cyber-attacks, failures and faults of HW and SW, external and
internal factors affecting reliability, information and cybersecurity);
– methods of system analysis and theory of complex systems (to develop the
new concept, principles and structure of the methodology for ensuring the
reliability of the IIoT system and its subsystems);
– methods of graph theory, set theory, game theory and Boolean algebra (for
development of new models and new methods of assessment and ensuring
reliability and assurance of IIoT systems);
– methods of mathematical modelling, probability theory and mathematical
statistics (to determine the parameters of reliability and assurance the new
assessment models: failure and recovery rates, attacks on vulnerabilities and
– methods of reliability theory, mathematical programming and graph theory
(for development of new models and methods for assessing the availability,
reliability and dependability of IIoT systems and their subsystems);
– methods of reliability theory, mathematical programming, probability theory
and graph theory, optimisation theory, fault tree and cyber-attack tree
analysis (to develop the new models and new methods to assess the
availability of IIoT systems and their subsystems, taking into account changes
in environmental parameters, vulnerabilities, SW and HW failures and the
manifestation of non-specific defects);
– methods of logical and systemic analysis, synthesis and set theory (for
comparative analysis and systematisation of cyber-attacks, vulnerabilities,
data transmission technologies).

The practical significance of the concept and methodology developed in the
dissertation work for assessing and ensuring the high dependability of the IIoT
system and its subsystems is that the proposed models and methods will allow
manufacturers of IIoT subsystems (servers, routers, switches, PLCs, etc.) to predict
possible failures of both HW and SW at the production stage and take measures to
prevent and eliminate them.
At the operation stage, the systematisation of vulnerabilities and types of cyber-
attacks proposed in this project will be implemented, and models and a method of

vulnerability patching will be developed and studied to ensure the required level of
cybersecurity of the IIoT system and its subsystems.

Resume: In 2003, Maryna Kolisnyk graduated as master with honour from Kharkiv
State University of the Railway Transport. In 2007, she defended the Doctoral Thesis
by speciality “Telecommunication systems and networks”. In 2011, she was awarded
the academic title of Associate Professor (Docent / Dr. Habil.). In 2020, she was
awarded the Grant from President of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences in
Ukraine for the young scientists, and received the honour title “Laureate of Grant of
President of Ukraine” (medal and certificate). In 2022 and 2023-2024 she received 2
grants from National Academy of Sciences in Austria for the research in the field of
IIoT dependability, AI methods and predictive analytics.
Her major fields of research are evolving dependability, cybersecurity, reliability
assessment and ensuring, Internet of Things, mathematical modelling and
optimisation, telecommunication networks, computer vision, 5G systems, AI
methods, predictive analytics. In 2003 she has been working at Kharkiv industrial
enterprise “Trans-communications”. In 2003-2007 – PhD student of department
“Transport telecommunications” in Kharkiv Railway University of the Railway
Transport. She was an Assistant in 2006-2008 and in 2008-2015 – Associate
Professor (Docent) at the department “Transport telecommunications” in Kharkiv
Railway University of the Railway Transport. Since 2007 she was also a Senior
Researcher in 11 R&D projects in Ukraine, and 8 International projects, including:
Horizon 2020 “ECHO” Cybersecurity project, FFG (Austria) “Intelligent intersections
project”, Erasmus + “Internet of Things” project. In 2015-2018 she was an Associate
Professor in National Technical University “KhPI”, department “Automation and
control in technical systems”.
In 2018-2020 – Dr.S doctorantura in National Aerospace University “KhAI”. Since
2020 she has been an Associate Professor of Computer systems, networks and
cybersecurity Department at KhAI.
Maryna Kolisnyk is a coordinator of Kharkiv regional center “Industry 4.0”.
She has more than 110 scientific publications, including 11 monographs, 5 patents.
She is the IEEE member, ACM member, member of Women in ACM, member of
PhD defence committee, reviewer in journals, indexed in Scopus and Web of
Sciences databases (in IEEE journals, in WSEAS journals, CEUR-WS journal), member
of IEEE reliability society, member of IEEE Commsoc.

apReduce distributed computing model, an intelligent advisory and diagnostic subsystem based on ChatGPT, free software-interpreted tools, and the use of RESTful APIs at all stages of the mathematical modeling process. Altogether, these features streamline the modeling process and make the developed services more accessible to users.


Resume: In 2000, Volodymyr Manzhula graduated from Kamianets-Podilskyi State Pedagogical Ivan Ohiienko University (now Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University). In 2008, he defended his PhD dissertation. In 2011, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor. Since 2004, he has been working at the West Ukrainian National University. From 2007 to 2022, he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science; since 2022, he has been a doctoral candidate in the Department of Computer Science at WUNU. He has more than 70 scientific publications. His research interests include mathematical modeling of static systems, structural and parametric identification, computational methods, interval data analysis, and software engineering.

  1. Information about research projects and conferences:

Anatoliy Sachenko

(Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, scientific advisor of Research Institute for Intelligent Computer Systems).
