An annual International Conference (30.06-01.) and Summer School (03.07-07.07) in Dortmund, Germany were being held from 30.06 to 07.07 2017. It is annually organized by Dortmund University of Applied Sciences. These events were attended by teachers and students of TNEU, Kyiv and Zaporizhzhia as part of cooperation agreements and pilot project, as well as other universities in Europe, America, Asia and Africa total more than 120 participants.
Prof. Anatoly Sachenko was a member of the program committee and moderator of IT Project section in International Conference and one of the moderators of the Sustainability of Project Management section in Summer School. Oksana Dunets, the engineer of IOSU department, presented a report at the conference and was a participant of РhD Summer School and Project Management Sustainability section. Master-students from English program specialty “Project Management” (faculty NNIMEV name by B.D. Havrylyshyna) Mykola Grytsuk and Maksym Kosiak together with Vitalii Kviatkovskii, the Master-student from Ukrainian program specialty “Project Management” were a members of Sustainability in Project Management section. The consultation about Oksana Dunets PhD work with co-authors from Dortmund prof. Carsten Wolf and from Ukraine prof. Anatoliy Sachenko was hold during the visit.
All participants of Dortmund Summer School 2017 got a 3 ECTS credits for training in European Master in Project Management (EMPM).
Almost all students who currently study in master program in Project Management and are fluent in English, have an opportunity to get the Dortmund European Diploma. Since educational plans and work programs of participants of the pilot project are identical the procedure of receiving European Diploma has been simplified. A Student candidate passes all moduls successfully in TNEU for the first two semesters and then sends the necessary documents to EMPM in Dortmund. All ECTS credits received earlier are taken into account, including the Summer School ones.Then student candidate pass pre diploma practice in Dortmund (at least, three months) and specify the subject of the degree project with German co-leader protects. At first he or she defend diploma in English language in TNEU (getting a Ukrainian master’s degree) and then in Dortmund (getting a German-European master’s degree).
It should be emphasized applicants, who are to enroll for the Master’s program in Project Management TNEU (preferably in English language), have the opportunity to receive the Dortmund European Diploma.