During August 6-10, 2014, Vladyslav Shults, intern-researcher at Computer Information System and Control Department, participated in IEEE Students and Young Professionals Congress Krakow 2014 (IEEE SYP Krakow), which was conducted at AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH-UST) in the city of Krakow, Poland.
At the first day, August 6th, after the registration period there was an official opening ceremony at Wawel Castle. The speakers was: Zbigniew Kakol, AGH-UST vice-rector, Jacek Gulinski, Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Andrzej Jajszczyk, Director of the National Science Centre, Leszek Grabarczyk, Deputy Director of the National Centre for Research and Development, Marek Sowa, Marshal of the Malopolska Region, Martin Bastians, IEEE Region 8 director, Ryszard Jachowicz, IEEE Poland Section Chair, Rafal Sliz, IEEE Region 8 Young Professionals Representative, Pablo Herrero, Vice-Chair, Student Activities (OpCom), and a Historian/Archeologist Jolanta Szelag told about the history of the Wawel Castle.
The second day, August 7th, started with plenary session, where Roberto de Marca, IEEE President, Martin Bastians, Jacek Zuranda, IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity, Ryszard Jachowicz and others sit at the panel. The topic of discussion was about the latest IEEE achievements in different fields. Furthermore, a number of mini-sessions was conducted, with the topic of young professionals career opportunities, such as CERN, NCRD, and other engineering enterprises. After a coffee-break, the plenary session continued, and Chris Christensen, Northern Kentucky University, gave a speak entitled “Enigma Milestone”. After, Former IEEE R8 Director and Jorge Soares, R8 Student representative, had a entertaining interactive lecture about the IEEE possibilities in the future. Also, Aleksander Szabo, R8 Vice Chair Member Activities, told about the current activities and work that IEEE R8 are doing. At the end of the session there was a Q/A time.
Afternoon, intern-researcher visited 2 technical workshops. The first one, “Active and Exemplary Student Branch-How to achieve it”, was conducted by Senior Student Efthymia Arvaniti, University of Thessaly, Greece. The second workshop entitled “How engineers should present their ideas” was done by Prof. Kurt Richter, Graz University of Technology, Austria.
At the end of the day, the excursion into salt mine was made for congress participants, at the Salt Mine of Wieliczka. After a few-kilometer mine tour, there was a spectacular gala-dinner with a best R8 student branch nomination ceremony. All of that was happening at 130 meters underground.
The third day, August 8th, started with another plenary session entitled “IEEE Community”. The main topic of discussion was IEEE community and organizing of activities. Later there was a debates with 3 candidates for 2015 IEEE president election. The candidates are Tarik Durani, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Great Britan, Barry Shoop, US Military Academy, West Point, USA, та Fred Minter, Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, USA.
Afternoon, Mr. Shults visited 2 technical workshops. The first one «The anechoic chamber», about room that absorbs any sound or electromagnetic waves. The speaker and guide was PhD student Marcin Zastawnik. The second technical workshop was conducted by PhD student Bartosz Proniewski and titled “MRI Laboratory”. Basic principles of MRI machine were told, as well as some practical MRI imaging was shown.
Before evening, the same day, a massive poster session was conducted, where participants from different Student Branches of IEEE Region 8 presented poster reports of each of their own branch for the last year. Overall, Ukrainian section was represented by Ludmyla Laikova and Kateryna Osypenko from KPI Student Branch, and Vladyslav Shults himself with a poster report of TNEU Student Branch.
At the evening, congress participants visited a historical place called “Ko?ciuszko Mound”, where the there was a barbecue and drinks, and the sightseeing of the beautiful night Krakow from the top of the Mound.
The first half of the fourth day, August 9th, was held in tours at the technical centers. Particularly, Mr. Shults visited the Motorola Solutions HQ in Krakow. Motorola Solutions is an advanced communication equipment supplier for police, fire service and medical teams. A leave dispatch centers was demonstrated, as well as the latest communication hardware, such as different kinds of radio transmitters, and large datacenters which helps to support all the communication needs for deferent services. Also the LTE technology was demonstrated.
Later that day, intern-researcher visited another technical workshop entitled “Computer Society” where Eric Berkowitz, Chair of the Chapter, told about benefits and opportunities of joining the Computer Society Chapter.
At the evening, perhaps the most important event was held – a multicultural evening, where participants from different countries of IEEE Region 8 was wearing the national clothes and presenting a symbolics, foods and drinks which represent their country’s culture. Ukraine culture was represented by Vladyslav Shults, Kateryna Osypenko and Ludmyla Laikova.
At the last day, August 10th, the official closing ceremony was held, where thecongress conclusions were made, participants and organizers shared the overall impressions about the Congres and made some wishes for the future events.